Saturday, March 24, 2007


Some of you have probably being wondering why haven't written about Jeremiah yet (I can think of one person in particular) and I figured it's about time I started. For those of you who don't know I have actually been studying Jeremiah on and off for over a year, and this year have decided to be more intentional about it, so on average I spend 10-12ish hours on it a week, outlining, reading commentaries, connecting dots! So I will probably be devoting quite a few blogs to this subject matter.

To begin with I just want to explain why I have chosen Jeremiah as a book of the bible that I want to study. The main reason, to be honest, is because Jeremiah was a prophet to a nation who were experiencing the judgment of the Lord and he felt the Lord's heart, which is why many refer to him as the weeping prophet. And despite his own weakness the Word of God was so alive in him even when he didn't want to he had to speak it. He knew the heart of the Judge who is a Bridegroom and coming back as King I want to know God like that. I want to pray and feel God's heart for those I'm praying for, I want to stand in the council of the Lord and when a nation is going through a time of judgment I want to have the Word of the Lord. That's about it, it's funny choosing a book to go deep in that is really long and no the easiest book to read at the surface level but I'm finding myself reading a lot of Old Testament scripture to help me make sense of what is happening. Some days I get a little overwhelmed with how long the book is but also how serious the message is. But I'm excited to have something to sink my teeth into, and now I've said on my blog I'm studying it I better!

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