Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Of summer and Luke

I have two thoughts right now that are totally unrelated!

As I was walking today and outside at various times of the day I have to confess I was very very hot. Here's the thing, in the middle of summer it's hard to remember that 6 months ago I was having to carefully walk in snow, in fact it's hard to almost remember what that's like. I am very thankful to the Lord for revealing air conditioning to someone, he's pretty smart like that, of course as we approach very last days I have a feeling air conditioning is not going to be a top priority!

Secondly. I really like Luke, as I've been plugging along with my outlining (34 chapters to go!) as first I was not looking forward to Luke because it's really long but now I love it It's such a wonderful gospel because Luke has all these little details, like about Jesus' prayer life and just little comments that are amusing. Today Leah (my fitn co leader) and I had our apartment hang out time watching the gospel of John. I like it because Jesus smiled a lot and was happy, because I think Jesus was joyful while he was on the earth, because he likes himself, and he loves to reveal the Father to people, so I think that Jesus liked being with us, if he didn't then why would he die so he can be with us forever. In saying that I know that there is also the great mystery that the creator would bow so low to become part of creation - become a man forever. But it was the Father's pleasure to have his fullness dwell in bodily form.

those are my random thoughts for the day, soon I will write about Luke 23 - I'll keep you posted!!

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