Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pure simple devotion to Christ

Well, the title really does say it all but I think Paul has a really good point in 2 Corinthians 11:2-3 when he encourages the believers to not stray from the simplicity that is in Christ.

It seems to me that we are prone to stray from the simplicity of love God, love people, loving God can become this to do list of things that mean we really love him or can prove to him (or to others) that we do love him. And then because of that loving people because this stressful task as opposed to an overflow of a loving heart.

When you come face to face with love you will give up everything for it, and I'm not talking about fake romantic comedy love I mean the love that is proven by the man with scars in his hands.

We love because he first loved us and gave himself for us, when we gaze upon this man, the one who gave everything, how can we not but love him? Love is a choice, not an emotion and it's easy to chose love when it's right in front of you.

My point? Let's give ourselves to thinking upon the cross, the demonstration of God's love that we might love him, because there is joy and peace found in this place of simple devotion. I don't expect to do much in my life that will be news worthy in this age but for all eternity I want to be known as one who loved well. It's what Jesus died for anyway


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