Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's been a while....

Two weeks in fact. Mainly because I have to confess that I do not schedule blogging so it only happens on my Sabbath or before I go to bed. Another contributing factor has been wondering if I have terribly much to say at this point in time, but I will do my best.

1) It is very hot in Kansas City (NZers I'm talking 35-40 degrees)
2) It will be hot when I go home in February, I don't have dates yet but I will probably be there for about a month
3) Loving people takes time, lots of time, an abundance of time and I'm thankful that God loves it and enjoys it when we love people.
4) I am getting better at learning where all the states are in the US thanks to a quiz site I found online.
5) Only 12 chapters left on the New Testament outline
6) I am taking a class "Preparing the Way of the Lord" which is about counseling and prayer ministry, I'm excited about it
7)The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever.



Anonymous said...

hey chick,

i really need to email you and let you know whats been going on, although prob bot much for me to say at this time too...

So you coming home for a month - then back to the states? off to tauranga?

im very much looking forward to a weekend at the bach with you - yes i am inviting myself, but i think it will be fun!! im sure we will stay up very very late in the night talking.. i miss that!

lots of love to you


Wendy said...

dearest Kelly

It is back to the states, as long as they will have me!!! I need to e-mail you also!! Maybe we could try to skype sometime too.

I miss talking with you also, as for staying up late, I tend to do that a little with my flatmates, usually as we talk about how we shouldn't stay up late.

Much love back

Anonymous said...

what dates are you home? you should come to wellington...

Wendy said...

Kate - I plan to be in NZ for the month of February.