Thursday, August 2, 2007

Luke 23

In an earlier post I mentioned Luke 23, so here is the blog concerning this scripture. I was reading this scripture before we had communion with our interns and was struck by two things.

Firstly, everyone knew that Jesus didn't deserve to die, the Pharisees knew it, they had to pay people to give false testimony. Pilate knew it, he says it like 3 times that Jesus has done nothing to deserve death. Even the thieves on the crosses next to him knew he was not guilty. The Judge of the whole earth who is going to judge everyone in righteousness was condemned guilty and deserving of death, and he didn't deserve it. I did. I'm the one who deserves to die, not Jesus, but he died the death that I deserved that I may live eternally with him. Selah.

Secondly, it says in 1 Corinthians 13 that love does not seek it's own, that was a temptation that Jesus faced at the cross. People saying "If you really are the Son of God save yourself" "He can save others but he cannot save himself" Jesus could of saved himself, no one took his life from him HE LAID IT DOWN, and it's because he is God that he didn't because love does not seek it's own. How often do we have the temptation to save ourselves, to look after ourselves first but Jesus has the ultimate expression of love in the cross. He did not save himself, he knew what he was doing for the sake of love.

Luke is cool

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