Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well it's here, it's fall, in NZ we say Autumn, but until writing this blog that didn't even cross my mind. It is strange the longer I'm here the less I use NZ termanology.

the beginning of Fall in KC is a lot like an NZ Summer, the sun is still warm and just cooler temperutures. I know it's really fall because tonight I switched my winter/summer wadrobe, which doesn't take very long as I don't have that many clothes, it's just getting out my super warm clothes from a bag and replacing them with summer tank tops and dresses that I wont wear 'till I VISIT NEW ZEALAND. I'm already super excited and it's still 4 months away but it'll go fast I know it. And my friends here will get the countdown too, I think I will start at 30 days.

My friend Sarah will probably come for 2 1/2 weeks which is so exciting to actually travel with someone else. I have done this trip quite a few times now so the idea of having someone in line with me is nice and being able to show her my country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wooohoooo!!! bring on the NZ visit.
summer peeped its head out from behind the clouds for a few days, but as always its back to chilly wind and rain in Auckland... for now!