Tuesday, January 29, 2008

when counting down is almost over

The time is drawing nigh, I'm going home. When I tell people in KC it is quickly proceeded with for four weeks, other wise people get a little concerned.

I bought a swimsuit today, very exciting, I haven't done that for about 3 or 4 years!

I'm now in Zephaniah and Habakkuk who i have to confess I'm struggling a little to understand except that God judges wickedness and he restores all things at the end of the age and he keeps his promises with Israel. All of which I am thankful for.

Because I like lists I will say five reasons why I am looking forward to going home
1) Caitlin Grace Dorothy blundell - my new little niece, I can't wait to meet her and hang out with her older brother, and her mum and dad for the matter. Especially up at my holiday house

2) The holiday house, the place of refuge and quiet.

3) ROAD TRIPS - the fun thing about having someone not from your country come with you somewhere is that you really appreciate your country so much more, and it will be good to spend some quality time with my little civic.

4) Mum and dad, this list isn't in order but it'll be nice to hang out with my parents and be a daughter for a while

5) SUN and SUMMER,I am a pale night watch girl and it'll be so great to get outside in fresh air and sunshine, good for the heart, good for the soul.

I'm becoming too excited to sleep sometimes

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I like Micah, and Amos, and other prophets

I really like the prophetic books in the bible.

When I was younger I never read them because they were so confusing, and God seemed kinda mean and angry, now I love them and I see the jealous heart of a bridegroom everywhere.

And their message is so important, all of humanities problems come down to one thing - forsaking the Lord and his ways. Man's way always leads to the exaltation of self which leads to the oppression of others. God's way leads to life.

One of my friends talks about having dead friends, I think I've found some in these men who heard the Word of the Lord and spoke it even though it was always unpopular and rarely listened to.

And yes, I think Jeremiah is my best dead friend

Friday, January 18, 2008

When you preach to yourself

Yes, I read my own blog on the Lord's faithfulness and it was good for my heart.

Because I'm right (I love being right, I still need to work on that one!)

When you are hit with the reality that you really do have to leave the United States because you are not a citizen and leaving the US means leaving IHOP-KC, leaving the night watch and the people that you pray with every night it's helpful to remember the Lord is faithful.

And no, this doesn't mean I plan to leave soon, Lord willing I have two more years here.

What it does mean is I have a choice once again to trust in the Lord's leadership of my life.

Because he is faithful

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year's and Faithfulness

I don't do New Year's resolutions anymore, but if I did I would make resolution to write in my blog more and write deeper content.

It is 23 days until I arrive in New Zealand and I can't wait, the Lord is so faithful to me letting me go home for a bit, and in an effort to write substantial content I will share some thoughts on his faithfulness.

He is the one who is faithful, always, not because of anything I have done. God cannot be any more faithful or less faithful than he already is because one of his names is faithful. When I think of faithfulness I think of follow through. Jesus always follows through, on everything, always.

We can look to Israel's history as a picture of the Lord's faithfulness. He decides that he will rule from Jerusalem, and he will. Despite Judah being totally unfaithful and in rebellion against him God made a promise to a man called David, and he will follow through on that promise - David's seed Jesus will sit on a throne, as a man forever.

Though Israel was unfaithful most of their history the Lord was still faithful in that if he said he would do something, he would. But note, he's not "just" faithful on the "nice" things but the "negative" things also. In other words read Deuteronomy 28 and the Lord is faithful to all of it, the blessings and the curses. Because he loves justice and he follows through. He is the God who acts.

Bringing that down to my little life and my every day living, it means God's faithfulness is not based on anything I do, I cannot affect the Lord's faithfulness. If I confess my sin he is faithful to forgive, end of story. If he begins a good work in my life he's faithful to complete it, end of story.

But how I experience his faithfulness is up to me!

Interesting thought