Monday, May 28, 2007

the God who cares

"casting all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you"

I was talking with one of my interns, we've been talking about two particular issues, today as we talked she said she didn't like talking to the Lord about these things, because she felt shame, because he already knows, because I'm not sure if God cares so much. In a moment of clarity I asked her "Why do you talk to your friends about something and not the Lord, do you think they care more than he does? Did your friends die so that you could speak with them? The reality is God is Holy, high and lofty, He is the maker of heaven and earth and he knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, he cares, he dwells with the meek and the lowly.

Jesus died that we might be with him, he died so we could be his bride, holy and blameless, I am so thankful and I want to give him my heart, I want the Lord to be the one who I talk to, who I share my feelings and thoughts with, yes he knows them already, but it's about trust. It's funny how scary it can be to speak to the God who knows everything about something he already knows!

I want to be a friend of God, friends trust one another, if we want to know the secrets of God's heart, maybe we should share ours as well, maybe God cares about our day, maybe he cares about the days I miss my family, maybe he cares that I am grumpy and need his help, maybe he cares that I really like my new room. I think he does.

The assignment she gets this week? Talk to the Lord about the two things you are scared of talking to him and write me an essay "Why God wants to hear about who I have a crush on". I know kind of strange, but I know he is after our hearts.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Change is here to stay

I was speaking to someone a few days ago, and told them I decided this about 3 or 4 months ago. As creatures of habit we tend not to like change that much. I remember when the stage at IHOP was extended and they changed the lighting, it was so weird, now that God TV will start filming soon they've changed it again, and no one really made a big deal about, we now have grey chairs instead of blue (and the blue chairs are in FSM instead of the orange ones - hooray!) Prayer leaders can no longer have pens on stage or anything besides bible and outline, just because it does look like the Prayer leaders not really paying attention.

This week I have a new co leader for FITN, the previous two having stepped down to focus on other areas of leadership within the night watch, I am now the overseer of the fasting teams in the night, and as I have been saying I am moving rooms.

Here's the good news. the Lord doesn't change, ever, no matter the circumstances, he is always faithful, always good, always king, always loving.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A little catch up

Despite my good intentions I have to confess I am not a faithful blogger like others I know. The excitement of Tuesday is my friend Sarah Edwards gave birth to the first IHOP-KC "night watch baby". Today (Thursday) I helped my interns move apartments, and we moved everything (well the men moved the heavy stuff) needless to say it has been a rather tiring day as we started at 2pm. As for me moving, I'm trying to find time to pack, which hasn't been easy lately.

Currently I've been a little distracted from Jeremiah looking at all the verses on anger in the bible. Looking at what arouses the Lord's anger, because God is love, and that's who he is and he feels love as an emotion, but God is not anger, though he feels angry, but he is just and righteous and he hates wickedness, so I'm thinking about these things. Last night as I was prayer leading our Psalm 45 set I was thinking about how he loves righteousness and hates wickedness and how part of our problem is that we don't. Most of us still struggle with the idea of God hating the wicked, but I have a feeling that's because we don't love righteousness like he does, so we don't hate wickedness like he does.

There's a thought for you! Of course then tonight I got my interns to meditate for 10 minutes of love is kind and God is kind. There's so much more to God then meets the eye!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Another fun thing

Yesterday I got to lead worship at a 24/7 solemn assembly as Haskill University (A native Indian college). My friend Sarah came with me and sang. It was so wonderful singing to Jesus, about him, and our love for him and his love for us. There are moments when you remember what you were made for and this is one of them, I was made to enjoy God.

My room

Since living in the states I have done things I've never done before, and I did it again today. With the help of my friend Becca I painted my new room, I will post pictures once I've moved in bit it's really fun and I'm excited about how it will look once all my stuff is moved in.

Yeah me

Friday, May 4, 2007

Latest reading.....

Actually I'm reading through an old book of mine "Foundations of Christian Doctrine" by Kevin Conner. I read this the first time when I was about 18 and I'm thankful I brought it with me to KC. I am currently reading the chapter "Doctrine of Christ". Talking about Jesus being fully God and fully Man, it's so good for my heart to remember who Jesus is. Jesus is everything God is personified (image of the invisible God) he really does show us God, because he is God in human form.

God became a man! I was thinking about how much Jesus has changed the world even in the natural . I mean a carpenter from a little town in Israel who claimed to be God literally changed the world ( he also created the world and is sustaining it by his great power, but that's another topic!). And why? Because HE IS GOD. He rose from the dead and he conquered the grave, he conquered death so we have nothing to fear but God alone!

I know, slight rambling, but I've decided I like this sort of theology, that makes God bigger and me want to worship him more. We all have to know what we believe about Jesus, salvation depends on it, he's not just a good man or a prophet, he is the very Son of God because of love sent to die to save us from eternal torment. And not have it just be something we can intellectually explain but something that arises from the inside so when we are asked "What is your beloved more than any other" we answer, our hearts "overflowing with a GOOD THEME".

I think that's all for now especially since many of my thoughts are at the "This is so cool my mind is going a hundred miles an hour" stage!
" Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless and with great joy, to the only God and Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority before all time and now and forever"